
My interests are in venture capital, private equity, and entrepreneurial finance. I am specifically interested in research that aims to:

Working Papers:

Predicting Startup Outcomes With Machine Learning [Google Drive]

The Role of Institutional Venture Capital Firms in Startup Success [Google Drive]

Presentations: Junior Academics Research Seminars (JARS), Online (2024)

Do VC financing round announcements convey new information about the state of the market? [SSRN]

Presentations: University of Lausanne PhD Seminar (2023), University of Geneva PhD Seminar (2023)

Does venture capital concentration favor business formation? [SSRN]

Presentations: Global Finance Conference, Treviso (2023)

Why is corporate venture capital activity among U.S. public firms sticky? [SSRN]

Presentations: Irish Finance Academy, Limerick (2023), Portuguese Finance Network, Funchal (2023)